Saturday, September 14, 2013

Welcome; A Nesting of Sorts

Well, hi there.

You've found the space I've carved for myself out of the ether for my musings on new hobbies. Specifically, those that are deemed "quirky, yet age-appropriate." Whatever that means.

So if you're interested in mead-making, perhaps you've stumbled upon it recently and want to figure out what it is or why you should care about it, or maybe you even want to strike out on your own and see if you can create some of this delicious nectar yourself, you'll find some of these posts to your liking. Or, at least, amusement, as you see me stumble through the first beginner's steps of turning honey into a fermented drink.

Maybe you're deeply into crocheting, or knitting (we don't discriminate, here!) or another yarn craft, and my post caught your eye on Ravelry, or some other awesome place, and you're inspired to pick up some yarn by what what I've written. I raise my hook to you and say, "Huzzah!"

Or perhaps you're more fond of our hoppy, malty friend, beer, and the art of homebrewing, and my flailing into that field has you baffled and bemused.

Either way, I am happy to have you join me. These hobbies require time, commitment, and finances. But they also require passion and an analytical mind, some combination of which I'm willing to bring to the table. Hopefully, you'll find some inspiration from my stories, or words of wisdom by not doing what I've done.

I will warn you, discerning readers, that I may leap off into tangents regarding some of my other, less appropriate, hobbies. Perhaps the weather this day has been truly phenomenal, and I must share its meteorological significance with you. Or I have had the most incredible experience with my Dungeons and Dragons group and the world must know. But I'll do my best to keep things on task. It's probably better this way.

So, without any further fanfare, let us be off!

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